For most of us the transition from student to worker is quite an adjustment. Instead of hanging out with classmates all day and night, you will be taking a walk out of your comfort zone into the work place with a bunch of new people who most likely will have been working in that field for a long time. They know the ropes.
One of the fastest ways to get familiar with your duties is to find a mentor. Even though you spent years in school learning the theory of your work, there is a lot more to learn on the job. Continue to be a student and soak up as much as you can by those who are top in the field.
Healthy work habits can help you excel as well. Most companies have regular work hours, so staying up late as you might have done when you were in school might make it difficult for you to be productive. Eat well, exercise, get enough sleep and find a healthy work life balance at the beginning of your career so the next 40 plus years are happy ones.
What were some of the challenges when you transitioned from school to work?